About our events
As the peak representative body for local government in Victoria, the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) is determined to increase the capability and effectiveness of the sector by delivering events that:
- provide professional development opportunities to councillors and officers,
- increase knowledge and capabilities across key service delivery, policy and governance areas,
- enhance collaboration between member councils, other tiers of government and affiliated organisations and stakeholders,
- provide an understanding of new and emerging services through engagement with the private sector, and
- enhance and support the MAV’s strategic objectives.
With a broad local government remit, MAV events cover a range of topics that support the delivery of local government key services, including:
- Governance
- Professional Development for Elected Members
- Social, Community and Human Services
- Media and Communications
- Human Resources
- Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
- Infrastructure and Asset Management
- Planning and Built Environment– Metro, Rural and Regional and Urban
- Environment – Waste, Energy
- Emergency Management
- Procurement
- Insurance.
Sponsorship opportunities
MAV events offer a range of sponsor and exhibitor opportunities to put you and your organisation in front of the Victorian local government sector. Sponsoring our events provides a unique opportunity to:
- Promote your brand and capabilities to a sector with more than 50,000 employees and 619 democratically elected members, responsible for $11.93 billion dollars of revenue and $123 billion in community infrastructure and assets such as roads, bridges, town halls, recreation and leisure facilities, drains, libraries and parks
- Raise and enhance your organisation’s profile among local government senior decision-makers who are hard to reach key influencers from Victorian local councils
- Leverage the MAV brand that is trusted and respected within the local government sector
- Network with prospective and current clients.
Stay tuned for more information.
For more information please contact our team via: