MAV President's Update

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MAV President's Update - 7 June 2024

Dear friends and colleagues,

We've just finished our June board meeting, where much of the exciting ongoing work of the MAV was discussed.

It was a shame I wasn't able to join our Mayors, CEOs and Delegate's Dinner last month. By all reports it was a wonderful evening for our sector to get together and hear some terrific insights from the speakers about the upcoming federal election.

These events are so critical to our sector and we will continue to provide these and other new opportunities to support and enhance the local government sector moving forward.

The MAV has reached out to our delegates about the change of date for State Council later in the year. The new date is Friday, August 23. It does mean the timeline for motions has been adjusted, please reach out to the MAV for more details.

Important to note our Annual Conference and Awards evening has not changed and will still be happening on Thursday, September 12

Warm regards,
Cr David Clark
MAV President

In this issue

Federal submission of financial sustainability

No one understands the challenges and opportunities facing Victoria in the 21st century better than councils.

A financially sustainable sector is critical to facing and embracing them. Financially stable councils invest in communities, provide stability, and deliver on shared priorities.

This month, the MAV submitted to the Federal Parliamentary inquiry into local government sustainability where we highlighted the need for:

  • An increase of Financial Assistance Grants to 1 per cent of Commonwealth tax revenue
  • The need to make all grant programs for LG more productive
  • An acknowledgement of how important local government is as a key delivery partner
  • Address critical skill shortages
  • Betterment funding to be included for Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements at a national level
  • Pursuing of product stewardship.

Trust in government has never been a more important resource. Victorian councils want to partner with their state and federal counterparts in building social cohesion and realising their communities’ aspirations.

They need a funding model that affords them the capacity to do so.

Click here to read our full submission (PDF - 17.6MB).

Amendments to the Local Government Act 2020

The sector is keeping a close eye on the progress of the Local Government Amendment (Governance and Integrity) Bill 2024 which has been introduced into State Parliament.

The Bill proposes several important amendments including the introduction of a new Model Councillor Code of Conduct and mandatory professional development training requirements for Mayors, Deputy Mayors and Councillors.

Click here for more information on the Bill.

We understand the sector will be consulted about the preparation of regulations which are associated with some of the proposed amendments.

We will keep you informed when such opportunities arise.

Rural and Regional Planning Conference


Time is running out to register for our annual Rural and Regional Planning Conference on 20 and 21 June in Creswick. This is a great opportunity for councillors and council staff to come together to discuss:

  • Transformation, innovation and change in rural and regional Victoria
  • Traditional Owners and caring for Country
  • Delivering housing and infrastructure for a more equitable rural and regional Victoria
  • Protecting and enhancing Victoria’s distinctive landscapes and natural resources
  • Planning for resilient and thriving rural and regional communities.

Join us in shaping the future together by CLICKING HERE TO REGISTER

National Urban Policy council information session

The Federal Government is currently consulting on its National Urban Policy (PDF - 2.5MB) which outlines the Government’s goals and objectives to enable urban areas to be liveable, equitable, productive, sustainable and resilient.

Implementation of the Policy is intended to address urgent challenges facing our cities, including housing, productivity, social cohesion, disaster resilience and climate action.

As part of the consultation process, the MAV is hosting an online briefing session for councils on the draft paper on Thursday, June 13.

Recognising the critical role local government plays in making our urban areas great places to live, work and play, this one hour online briefing will be delivered with the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts to learn about the draft policy, ask questions and provide feedback. Your comments will also inform the MAV submission to the draft Policy.

Click here to register.

MAVLAB launch

We can't wait to share with you the exciting ways we will be supporting Victorian councils with the new MAV innovation lab - MAVLAB.

To do so, we're holding an informal get together as we convene Victorian delegates and friends in Canberra, after ALGA's welcome reception to its National General Assembly on July 2.

Join us at 7pm for a drink and snacks to connect before the full conference proceedings kick off the next day.

Connect with good company and stay to learn about this exciting program of work and how you can get your council involved.

Some catering will be provided. Drinks pay as you go.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Click here to register.

MAV Councils Survey

The MAV continues to evolve how we work alongside you within our sector and externally with other government and industry stakeholders.

One key element we wanted to get right was more measurable data and evidence from you, grounded in your sector experience, about the challenges, opportunities, capabilities, and risks that local government is facing - now and into the future.

As part of this work, we’ve recently sent a council wide survey throughout the sector and we'd love to hear from you.

The survey can only be filled in by any elected councillor or council staff member with a email address. Please feel free to share among your local government networks – as the more responses we get back, the better the data will be.

Click here to complete the survey

Recognising and Managing Disinformation

The MAV and the University of Melbourne are offering a micro-credential with a focus on recognising and managing disinformation.

The course will look at the main players and key tactics and techniques, tips for building resilience and cultural and psychological aspects of disinformation and malign influence.

Click here to register.