Transport Advocacy

Locals Know What Locals Need

About the campaign

Victorian councils are calling for support from the Victorian and Australian Governments to deliver safe and well-maintained roads, arguing that the current funding from those tiers of government is unsustainable.

Funding issues have been further exacerbated by the Victorian Government’s crippling policy of rate capping.

This roads funding campaign - “Locals Know What Locals Need” – has been developed to outline how the MAV and Victorian councils will advocate for improved funding settings and policy outcomes to enhance local transport infrastructure. This includes calling for proper funding to deliver basic maintenance to ensure a safer and more efficient local road network, and more support for active transport and freight

Why it’s important?

Everyone deserves safe travel choices. In recent times, governments have had a focus on big projects that don’t solve local issues. And locals know what locals need.

That’s why we’re calling on both state and federal governments to listen to communities – through their local governments – and ensure our views are at the decision making table.

There are four key elements to our transport advocacy campaign: Financial sustainability, safer communities, walking and bike riding, and freight.

We want funding to keep pace with our rapidly growing residential and commercial areas, kids to be able to safely walk, ride, or scoot to school, and make sure deliveries can get to businesses and homes on time, ensuring truck drives and other road users are safe.

Local communities have a unique insight into what road and transport needs will suit them best.

Our advocacy

The development of a Roads Funding Advocacy Strategy was identified as a priority in the 2021-2025 MAV Strategy.

Join the campaign

Councils are encouraged to participate in the “locals know what locals need campaign”.

Download campaign resources from the MAV Members Only site including overviews, key messages media release template, letter to MP template and social media guide (MAV members only, sign-in or join our Extranet with your "" email address to access).

Help spread the #localsknow message on your own social pages.