Older news items
Keep up-to-date with issues that have faced local government and media release coverage of the MAV and Victorian council activities.
Our past news and media releases are grouped by year going back to 2020.
- News and media releases from 2025
- News and media releases from 2024
- News and media releases from 2023
- News and media releases from 2022
- News and media releases from 2021
- News and media releases from 2020
- Government’s 3% rate cap highlights flawed system (24 Dec)
- Planning Institute Leadership Recognition (24 Dec)
- Latest Submission - Foundational Supports for People With Disability, Families, Carers and Kin (24 Dec)
- 2023 Gender Equality progress (24 Dec)
- Emergency Services and Volunteers Fund update (24 Dec)
- The Hon. Nick Staikos MP appointed Minister for Local Government (24 Dec)
- Victorian Government's Senior Victorians Advisory Committee (24 Dec)
- Shaping Victoria’s future with new Advisory Panels (24 Dec)
- Introducing The Mayors Institute (24 Dec)
- MAV welcomes Nick Staikos MP as Victoria's new Minister for Local Government (20 Dec)
- The MAV Board has elected two new Deputy Presidents (18 Dec)
- Mayor and Deputy Mayor Training (18 Dec)
- Formal State and Local Government agreement the best way forward (29 Nov)
- MAV appoints new Advisory Panels (26 Nov)
- CALD Outreach Initiative funds 25 councils (22 Nov)
- MAVlab x Bloomberg Global Mayors Challenge (15 Nov)
- A statement from incoming MAV President Cr Jennifer Anderson (13 Nov)
- Thank you, David Clark (8 Nov)
- State Government Housing announcements - MAV Bulletin (25 Oct)
- Victorian Early Years Awards 2024 (24 Oct)
- MIA Network Assembly (MAVlab) (24 Oct)
- PIA’s ‘Become a Planner’ campaign (24 Oct)
- MAV renews its calls for a joined-up vision for greater metro Melbourne (24 Oct)
- State Government Housing Announcements (21 Oct)
- Latest from the MAV Housing Taskforce (7 Oct)
- Insights for the upcoming elections (4 Oct)
- Active Citizen Guide (1 Oct)
- 2024 Councillor Service Awards (16 Sep)
- Upcoming census (29 Aug)
- MAVlab Innovation Talks (19 Aug)
- As urban landscapes evolve, one living habit hasn’t changed (9 Aug)
- Audit & Risk Committee - Independent Chair/member (6 Aug)
- Calling all LGBTIQA+ candidates (30 Jul)
- New MAV Board Director-elect for the Metropolitan South region (26 Jul)
- MAVlab Innovation Associates Network (18 Jul)
- Making 'First Peoples local government relations' a key priority (18 Jul)
- 2024 MAV Annual Conference & Dinner (17 Jul)
- 38th National Awards for Local Government (8 Jul)
- Innovative local government approach to accelerate housing supply (5 Jul)
- MAV at the National General Assembly (NGA) (5 Jul)
- A new era of insight and innovation (3 Jul)
- Innovation for the public good (3 Jul)
- Inquiry into Local Government funding and services (26 Jun)
- Stand for Council program well underway! (25 Jun)
- MAV's response to housing target announcement (17 Jun)
- MAVlab Launch (17 Jun)
- Calling all aspiring female leaders! (14 Jun)
- 2024 Victorian Councillor Service Award nominations are now open (12 Jun)
- King's Birthday Honours (11 Jun)
- Submission to the Federal Parliamentary inquiry into local government sustainability (11 Jun)
- MAV Council Survey (7 Jun)
- Councils on frontline of flood response (22 Apr)
- Time to Stand for Council (10 Apr)
- Disappointing rate cap, system needs review (22 Dec)
- Merry Christmas from the MAV (21 Dec)
- MAV statement on Premier Daniel Andrews (26 Sep)
- Questions to be asked on planning scheme changes (20 Sep)
- First steps taken … let’s walk together (20 Sep)
- Changes afoot, but councils must remain autonomous (14 Sep)
- Better off with Betterment (18 Aug)
- Celebrating MAV Technology award winners (14 Aug)
- Spring Street backrooms don’t equate to more transparency (27 Jul)
- One year on, 24 Councils still waiting on Minister (21 Jul)
- Victorian communities miss out on disaster funding (30 Jun)
- Older, Not Alone campaign to support older Victorians over the winter months (7 Jun)
- Kelly Grigsby - our next Chief Executive Officer (1 Jun)
- Wins and losses for local communities in State budget (23 May)
- Local government come together to protect democracy (18 May)
- Communities to benefit from councils’ Guide to Prevent Family Violence (16 May)
- Stable budget, but more needed (11 May)
- Inquiry must find balance for councils amid cost shifting (10 May)
- Protecting people, protecting democracy (26 Apr)
- Transparency must stay in planning system (20 Apr)
- Reforming infrastructure contributions critical (5 Apr)
- Steps forward on building reform, but challenges remain (10 Mar)
- MAV President and board elected for next two years (6 Mar)
- Joint media release - Permanent funding needed to future-proof community infrastructure (3 Mar)
- Joint media release - Urgent funding needed to address Australia’s housing crisis (24 Feb)
- Joint media release - Bringing Local Government back to the table (22 Feb)
- Modest rate increase underlines need for rate cap review (29 Dec)
- Common sense approach for flood damage recovery (21 Dec)
- Merry Christmas from the MAV (20 Dec)
- Federal budget: Positive start councils will look to build on (27 Oct)
- Survey finds kinder building blocks aren't in place (26 Oct)
- Op Ed - Long road to recovery after the headlines (24 Oct)
- Op Ed - Other states see through Victoria’s plan for households to bear cost of glass recycling (21 Oct)
- Long term community service celebrated (14 Oct)
- Planning for a changing climate (12 Oct)
- Pushing back against ageism through art (6 Oct)
- Councils call for financial independence (3 Oct)
- Op Ed - Work with councils on in-home care evolution (19 Aug)
- Celebrating councils as they embrace technology (12 Aug)
- Op Ed - Andrews Government abandoning local communities facing increased disaster risk (5 Aug)
- Let's go for Zero - Councils push for greater sustainability requirements for new development (21 Jul)
- Let's fix building regulation, not handball responsibility (23 Jun)
- Local government to "Xperience the Evolution (21 Jun)
- World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (15 Jun)
- Opinion Editorial - A critical service for all new parents (14 Jun)
- State arrives late to party, demands cake (9 Jun)
- "Turning challenges into opportunities" - it's time for State Government to partner with councils (4 May)
- Five Key Budget Asks from Local Government (2 May)
- Community deserves a voice (28 Apr)
- Circular economy requires national action (20 Apr)
- Don’t leave local communities behind (14 Apr)
- Local projects key to building a more resilient Australia (13 Apr)
- Local infrastructure key to connecting communities (12 Apr)
- Building a better Australia, together (6 Apr)
- Local communities need investment to continue for the longer term (1 Apr)
- Flexibility the key to economic recovery (29 Mar)
- Regional Op Ed - Respect all three levels of government (16 Mar)
- Councils welcome step away from rates exemption (2 Mar)
- The good, the bad, and the costly (18 Feb)
- Regional Op Ed - 2021 Year in Review (15 Dec)
- A great day to #lovekinder (15 Dec)
- Councils at the forefront of family violence prevention (8 Dec)
- Christmas at the MAV (2 Dec)
- Transparency needed now and into the future (26 Nov)
- Local councils: connecting community to Government (15 Nov)
- Circular Economy Bill: Right destination, wrong path (11 Nov)
- Message from the MAV President: UN Climate Change Conference (29 Oct)
- Advanced Notice of Tender Liability Mutual Insurance Scheme Service Providers (20 Oct)
- Regional Op Ed - Prepare for this summer and avoid a tragedy (16 Oct)
- Engagement with councils on emergency management is vital (15 Oct)
- Call for councils and communities to tackle ageism (30 Sep)
- Regional Op Ed - Everyone benefits from everyone having a home (14 Sep)
- Councils keen on role to assist infrastructure plan delivery (20 Aug)
- Regional Op Ed - Tackling Ageism in our communities (6 Aug)
- COVID-19 Update (27 May)
- Investment in mental health and jobs welcomed (21 May)
- MAV Opinion Editorial - Unprecedented opportunity to fix our building regulatory system (19 May)
- MAV calls for increased road safety funding ahead of Road Safety Week (14 May)
- Victorian Councils Win Top Tech Awards (6 May)
- Container deposit scheme design a win for communities (15 Apr)
- Vale Cr Malcolm Hole: A Man of the People (14 Apr)
- MAV Opinion Editorial - Significant step towards gender equality (10 Apr)
- Unprecedented opportunity to fix our building regulatory system (8 Apr)
- Congratulations to the Finalists of the 2021 MAV Technology Awards for Excellence (7 Apr)
- MAV Opinion Editorial - Planning the Development of Regional Victoria (12 Mar)
- A call for local government representation on national cabinet (11 Mar)
- Cr Clark elected as new President (10 Mar)
- MAV Opinion Editorial - Call to improve recycling and reduce litter (15 Feb)
- MAV President and Management Board Elections 2021 (15 Feb)
- COVID-19 Update (12 Feb)
- MAV President and regional Board members elections 2021 (22 Jan)
- Plan ahead for sustained heat (22 Jan)
- MAV Opinion Editorial - Staying on top of water safety this summer (11 Jan)
- Missed Opportunity to Reform the Victorian Local Government Rating System (21 Dec)
- MAV Opinion/Editorial Working together to keep community safe (15 Dec)
- International Day of People with a Disability (3 Dec)
- Commitment to rebuild communities welcomed (25 Nov)
- Victorians are encouraged to consider what respect means to them during the 16 Days of Activism (23 Nov)
- Opportunity for increased participation by councils in recovery planning (23 Nov)
- Diversity on the up in Victorian councils (13 Nov)
- Collection network critical to container deposit scheme success (2 Nov)
- Councils welcome temporary changes to state planning laws (22 Oct)
- MAV Technology Awards for Excellence 2020 winners announced (13 Oct)
- MAV President Councillor Coral Ross not standing for re-election (22 Sep)
- Spring into school holidays with council online activities (17 Sep)
- MAV Opinion Editorial – Councils delivering in a digital world (14 Sep)
- Councils call for funding support to increase walking and cycling opportunities (28 Aug)
- Statement from the President of the Municipal Association of Victoria (19 Aug)
- MAV Opinion Editorial - The link between the arts and wellbeing (14 Aug)
- Call it Out: 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence in Victoria (17 Jul)
- MAV renews call for State Government to defer local government elections (10 Jul)
- Feature story: How councils are helping to feed people who don’t know where their next meal is coming from (2 Jul)
- MAV Opinion Editorial – An invitation to women: Stand for council, stand for community, stand for change (2 Jul)
- Welcome to the new Local Government Minister, the Hon. Shaun Leane MP (23 Jun)
- MAV and Local Government support artists (17 Jun)
- Victorian local government recognised in Queen's Birthday Honours (9 Jun)
- Councils support COAG call for long-term preschool funding (26 May)
- MAV Opinion Editorial – Family Violence Support (25 May)
- Councils welcome Federal funding boost for local government (22 May)
- Victorian Maternal and Child Health Service continues to operate (21 May)
- Election announcement disappointing (15 May)
- Treasurer leaves council staff high and dry (6 May)
- Councils and COVID-19 (30 Apr)
- MAV welcomes legislative changes to enable councils to meet electronically (23 Apr)
- COVID-19 update for MAV key stakeholders (16 Apr)
- MAV Opinion Editorial - How councils are supporting their communities through coronavirus (6 Apr)
- Council meeting changes needed to protect community (24 Mar)
- Delivery curfews are not impacting supermarket stock (20 Mar)
- MAV Statement on Whittlesea City Council Dismissal (17 Mar)
- MAV Opinion Editorial - How the new Gender Equality Act will make communities safer and stronger (13 Mar)
- Statement on Container Deposit Scheme and four-bin system (24 Feb)
- MAV Statement on City of Casey dismissal (18 Feb)
- MAV Opinion Editorial - It's time Victorians got waste wise, otherwise our future is just rubbish (10 Feb)
- Local government recognised in Australia Day Honours List (28 Jan)
- New disaster response human resource sharing database (17 Jan)
- Statement on funding support for communities devastated by bushfire (14 Jan)
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