New disaster response human resource sharing database

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To streamline the process for inter-council human resource sharing during this and future emergencies, the MAV has established an online Human Resource Sharing Database.

The database will record all council-to-council offers of assistance to fire-affected councils and allow the MAV to sort offers by location, skillset and availability to ensure we connect fire-affected councils with the most suitable support, as quickly as possible.

To date, 50 councils have joined the database with close to 200 offers of assistance in the system. All council CEOs have been invited to nominate a single point of contact to collate and input each council’s resource support offers. Please submit any new offers of support to your nominated key contact to be logged in the database. If your council is in need of human resourcing support, please reach out to Emma Lake.

For any other information regarding the new database, please review the database FAQ or contact Ellie Packham. We’ve also developed a handy flow-chart (pictured below) to further explain the process.

1. Assisting council adds staff offer and details to database. 2. Disaster-affected council requests support through MAV. 3. MAV reviews offers and provides list of available staff. 4. Disaster-affected council contacts assisting council to arrange deployment. 5. Assisting council updates officer's status in database.