We offer diverse business services to our council members including specialist policy and advocacy, governance and legislative advice, sector development, insurance and procurement services.
The MAV events team manages up to 150 events for councillors and council officers across Victoria each year, from in-house workshops to national conferences attracting specialist speakers on topics ranging from the latest in local government future, technology, innovation and more.
In partnership with Victorian councils, the MAV is delivering a number of information sessions for the community and prospective candidates. These sessions can be attended either in-person or online.
In line with the public health advice there will be a stage four lockdown in place from 11.59pm today for the next five days, until next Thursday or further advice from the State Government. Please see the Statement from the Premier of Victoria.
We appreciate that this news may be unexpected and a shock for many and we hope that, as Victorians, people will follow the advice, and this will be a short-sharp lockdown. We will continue to keep you informed as more information is made available.