A statement from incoming MAV President Cr Jennifer Anderson
"I am honoured to be the new President of the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV).
"I would like to thank the outgoing President, David Clark. I wish David and his family the very best for their future endeavours.
"Having already served 12 years as a councillor for the Macedon Ranges Shire, and been on the MAV Board for 6 of these years this role of President of the peak body for local government provides a further opportunity to demonstrate the difference local government can make in the lives of everyone across our communities.
"Local government is proudly the closest level of government to the people, and no one understands the challenges and opportunities facing Victorians better than local councils.
"I’m excited to lead the MAV in its crucial role, providing an amplified voice for the needs of the sector.
"I look forward to this new role and working with my fellow board members, CEO Kelly Grigsby, MAV staff, and all 79 Victorian councils.
"Through working together, with like-minded organisations, and with State and Federal Governments, the MAV will continue to lead the way in best practice drawing on examples across the sector and the world to improve the lives of our communities to realise our vision of helping local councils build a resilient and sustainable Victoria."