Submission to the Federal Parliamentary inquiry into local government sustainability

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No one understands the challenges and opportunities facing Victoria in the 21st century better than councils. A financially sustainable sector is critical to facing and embracing them.

Financially stable councils invest in communities, provide stability, and deliver on shared priorities.

The MAV has recently submitted to the Federal Parliamentary inquiry into local government sustainability where we highlighted the need for:

  • An increase of Financial Assistance Grants to 1 per cent of Commonwealth tax revenue
  • The need to make all grant programs for LG more productive
  • An acknowledgement of how important local government is as a key delivery partner
  • Address critical skill shortages
  • Betterment funding to be included for Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements at a national level
  • Pursuing of product stewardship

Trust in government has never been a more important resource. Victorian councils want to partner with their state and federal counterparts in building social cohesion and realising their communities’ aspirations. They need a funding model that affords them the capacity to do so.

You can read our full submission here