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Inquiry must find balance for councils amid cost shifting | MAV website -
MAV President and regional Board members elections 2021 | MAV website -
Finance; News
Submission to the Federal Parliamentary inquiry into local government sustainability | MAV website -
Latest Submissions - Foundational Supports for people with disability, families, carers and kin | MAV website,-families,-carers-and-kin -
Diversity & inclusion | MAV website
There are many reasons to support and celebrate a municipality’s diversity; such as increased social cohesion and sense of belonging, a stronger economy, vibrant arts and culture, and overall community wellbeing. -
About CASBE | MAV website
The Council Alliance for a Sustainable Built Environment is an association of Victorian councils committed to the creation of a sustainable built environment within and beyond their municipalities. -
Gambling | MAV website
Gambling, and the many harms associated with this activity, has been identified as a priority issue of concern to local government in our strategic plan and through our State Council resolution process. -
Future of local government project | MAV website
Local government is faced with huge challenges as it moves into the future. Councils need to determine the future of local government by developing new approaches to local governance and advocating for council-led change. -
Elections; Media releases; News
Local projects key to building a more resilient Australia | MAV website