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Finance; News; Rates
Rate capping advocacy | MAV website
This week the MAV met with Peter Brown who has been commissioned by the Essential Services Commission to undertake an independent review of its rate capping variation process. -
Gender equality; News; Opinion Editorial
MAV Opinion Editorial - How the new Gender Equality Act will make communities safer and stronger | MAV website -
Environment; Media releases; News; Recycling
Rescue Our Recycling Action Plan launched | MAV website
The Municipal Association of Victoria has launched a Rescue Our Recycling Action Plan, which sets out five key actions each level of government should take to help solve our recycling crisis. -
Councillor development weekend | MAV website
The Councillor Development Weekend is designed for newly elected councillors and re-elected councillors. It is a weekend forum to participate in sector-based workshops that outline the role and responsibilities of councillors, coupled with -
Finance; News; Rates
Rate Capping update | MAV website
Last week we invited all CEOs to advise us by the end of January if your council is not currently represented, but would like to participate, on our Finance and Rate Capping Taskforce. -
Other resources | MAV website -
Leadership resources | MAV website -
Aspiring MCH students | MAV website -
CASBE membership | MAV website
The Council Alliance for a Sustainable Built Environment is an association of Victorian councils committed to the creation of a sustainable built environment within and beyond their municipalities.