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Elections; Media releases; News
State arrives late to party, demands cake | MAV website -
Gender equality; Local Government Elections; News
Diversity on the up in Victorian councils | MAV website -
Stand for Council resources | MAV website -
Gender equality | MAV website
We support councils to deliver, partner and lead gender equality and preventing violence against women work in their communities, and raise the profile of the local government sector’s work in this space. -
Our Leaders | MAV website -
Promising practice portal | MAV website
This collaborative site invites councils to share examples of practices, projects and plans that they have developed to support and advance gender equality and the prevention of violence against women in their municipalities. -
Arts and culture; News
MAV and Local Government support artists | MAV website -
Goods and Services | MAV website -
Partnership agreements | MAV website
We work closely with other levels of government to establish productive partnerships where local government has a shared service delivery responsibility. -
Collaborator Connect Database | MAV website