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News; Opinion Editorial; Social housing
Regional Op Ed - Everyone benefits from everyone having a home | MAV website -
State Election 2018 | MAV website
Victorian councils have identified 42 priority commitments sought from all political parties contesting the state election in November to help build the economy and improve Victoria’s liveability; addressed in our Call to Parties document. -
Media releases; News
Local councils: connecting community to Government | MAV website -
Media releases; News; Public health
Investment in mental health and jobs welcomed | MAV website -
Victorian communities miss out on disaster funding | MAV website -
Media releases; News; Planning and building; Rates; Social housing
Councils welcome step away from rates exemption | MAV website -
COVID-19; News; Opinion Editorial; Public health
Regional Op Ed - Prepare for this summer and avoid a tragedy | MAV website -
COVID-19; News
Treasurer leaves council staff high and dry | MAV website -
CASBE resources | MAV website
The Council Alliance for a Sustainable Built Environment is an association of Victorian councils committed to the creation of a sustainable built environment within and beyond their municipalities. -
Disability; Media releases; News
International Day of People with a Disability | MAV website