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Bushfire Response | MAV website -
Emergency management; News
New disaster response human resource sharing database | MAV website -
Previous weekly bulletins | MAV website
View copies of the MAV Bulletin from previous years. -
Environment; Media releases; News; Recycling
Container deposit scheme design a win for communities | MAV website -
Gender equality; Media releases; News
Councils at the forefront of family violence prevention | MAV website -
Steps forward on building reform, but challenges remain | MAV website,-but-challenges-remain -
Family Violence Prevention Resources | MAV website -
CASBE projects | MAV website
The Council Alliance for a Sustainable Built Environment is an association of Victorian councils committed to the creation of a sustainable built environment within and beyond their municipalities. -
Local government gambling, alcohol and other drugs issues forum | MAV website
The Local Government Gambling, Alcohol and Other Drugs Issues Forum is a network of professionals working for or with local government to prevent and reduce harms associated with gambling, alcohol and other drug use. -
Graduate Diploma of Business Administration (Executive) | MAV website
The graduate diploma is a customised executive program designed especially for the employees and councillors of our member councils.