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National Disability Insurance Scheme | MAV website
The National Disability Insurance Scheme is the new way of providing support for people with disability, their families and carers, built on insurance principles. -
Older, Not Alone campaign to support older Victorians over the winter months | MAV website,-not-alone-campaign-to-support-older-victorians-over-the-winter-months -
Council-produced resources | MAV website
This is a collection of council policies, plans and strategies, addressing the prevention of violence against women and gender inequity. -
Free From Violence Grants Program | MAV website
On 8 March 2018, the Minister for the Women and the Minister for Prevention of Family Violence, the Hon. Natalie Hutchins MP announced $2 million for local government grants to support new and existing programs of work for the prevention of family -
Finance; News; Rates
Rate capping advocacy | MAV website
This week the MAV met with Peter Brown who has been commissioned by the Essential Services Commission to undertake an independent review of its rate capping variation process. -
Gender equality; News; Opinion Editorial
MAV Opinion Editorial - How the new Gender Equality Act will make communities safer and stronger | MAV website -
Environment; Media releases; News; Recycling
Rescue Our Recycling Action Plan launched | MAV website
The Municipal Association of Victoria has launched a Rescue Our Recycling Action Plan, which sets out five key actions each level of government should take to help solve our recycling crisis. -
Councillor development weekend | MAV website
The Councillor Development Weekend is designed for newly elected councillors and re-elected councillors. It is a weekend forum to participate in sector-based workshops that outline the role and responsibilities of councillors, coupled with -
Other resources | MAV website