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Finance; News; Rates
Rate Capping update | MAV website
Last week we invited all CEOs to advise us by the end of January if your council is not currently represented, but would like to participate, on our Finance and Rate Capping Taskforce. -
MCH Practice | MAV website -
Preceptorship Resources | MAV website -
MCH Clinical Practice Videos | MAV website -
Information Sharing Schemes Resources | MAV website -
Environment; News; Recycling
Victorian Government announces recycling reviews | MAV website -
Governance; Media releases; News
Stand for Council campaign launch | MAV website
The MAV has invited governance and communications staff from member councils to the launch of our Stand for Council campaign on 5 May. -
MEMEG infographic | MAV website -
Environment; Media releases; News; Recycling
MAV Opinion Editorial - Recycling crisis was a wake-up call | MAV website
When the recycling crisis hit in February it caught many off guard. Yet this crisis has arguably been decades in the making and delivered an important wake-up call. -
Environment; Finance; News
VAGO to investigate landfill levy | MAV website
Following extensive lobbying by councils and the MAV, the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office plans to assess whether the landfill levy system is being managed transparently and is meeting its intended legislative objectives.