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Environment; Finance; News
VAGO to investigate landfill levy | MAV website
Following extensive lobbying by councils and the MAV, the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office plans to assess whether the landfill levy system is being managed transparently and is meeting its intended legislative objectives. -
Environment; News; Recycling
State landfill levies - what a waste! | MAV website! -
Supporting research and resources | MAV website
This is a selection of key research and resources regarding the prevention of violence against women and gender equality that have been collated to assist in developing evidence based planning and programs. -
Victorian Council case studies | MAV website
Victorian Council case studies -
Consent | MAV website -
Governance; Media releases; News
Don't stand back - stand for council | MAV website
Passionate community members who want to have a greater say in future decisions at the local level should consider standing for council at the 22 October elections. -
16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence 2019 Campaign Resources | MAV website -
Early Years Professionals | MAV website -
Important Links | MAV website