Micro-credential: Recognising and managing disinformation

Recognising and Managing Disinformation

Recognising and managing disinformation is a growing challenge for local government not only here in Victoria, but across the country and internationally.

The MAV is partnering with University of Melbourne and Melbourne Centre for Cities to co-design a pilot program for councillors and local government professionals to provide a deeper understanding of how disinformation impacts organisations as well as the best practice skills needed to assess, counter, and build resilience to it.

This micro-credential is ideal for Victorian Councillors and officers working in governance, communications, engagement, legal services, and risk management. Participants will gain an understanding of how disinformation impacts councils and communities as well as best practice skills to assess, counter, and build resilience to it.

The course will explore key tactics and techniques, tips for building resilience, and cultural and psychological aspects of disinformation and malign influence. During the course you will analyse historical and contemporary case studies and learn about techniques to assess and counter disinformation. You will then be guided to apply internationally recognised best-practice techniques to pre-bunk and debunk specific examples of disinformation, misinformation or malign influence.

Course facilitators:

  • Dr Morgan Saletta is a Deputy Director and a Senior Researcher at The Hunt Lab for Intelligence Research at Melbourne University. His research and teaching focuses on disinformation and related areas. Morgan delivers training on disinformation, misinformation and malign influence to multiple Australian Government organisations and the intelligence community.
  • Ika Trijsburg is a Research Fellow in City Diplomacy at the Melbourne Centre for Cities, where she delivers capacity-building training to support city representatives to engage internationally. Ika leads the Disinformation in the City collaborative research project to understand the ways that disinformation impacts cities and how they can best collaborate to respond.

Study mode: Online
Dates: 15 July to 9 August.

The first two weeks of the course are guided self-study, including two lectures and participation in discussion forums. During the second two weeks, students complete two short assessments, with guidance from instructors as needed.

Click here to express you interest in the micro-credential

If you have any queries, please email the MAV’s Legal and Governance Division at governancesupport@mav.asn.au

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