Municipal Emergency Management Enhancement Group

The State Municipal Emergency Management Enhancement Group (MEMEG) is a state level committee of local government emergency management practitioners. It supports, advises, and advocates on behalf of the local government sector on emergency management strategy and policy.

The State MEMEG will focus on:

  • building the capability and capacity of local government through improved standardisation in emergency management processes and practices across the sector;
  • advocating for better recognition of the needs and constraints of small to medium rural and regional councils;
  • supporting local government EM practitioners and sector development by sharing best practice; and
  • supporting agency engagement and sharing of technical expertise with the sector.

MEMEG Infographic

[Text version]

State MEMEG Governance Rules

The rules that govern the MEMEG are in the State MEMEG Governance Rules (PDF - 160KB).

For more information, contact:

Chair: Adam -  Mitchell Shire
Deputy Chair: Fletch - Mornington Peninsula Shire

MEMEG Teams Site

To sign up to the MEMEG Teams Site please fill out this form (council officers only).

The State MEMEG also works with the Regional MEMEGs.

A map showing the Municipal Emergency Management Enhancement Group areas. Rural: Barwon South West, Gippsland, Grampians, Hume, Loddon Mallee. Urban: Eastern Metro, North and Wesat Metro, Southern Metro.

MEMEG protocols and practice notes

Inter-council resource sharing protocol (Dec 2020)

The purpose of the Inter-Council Resource Sharing Protocol is to provide the best possible outcomes for emergency management by enhancing the capability of councils and supporting the escalation arrangements consistent with the State Emergency Management Plan. This includes:

  • Establishing an agreed position between councils for the provision of inter-council assistance for response, relief and recovery activities during an emergency
  • Facilitating a process for the timely mustering of resources ready to discharge municipal functions
  • Clear protocols and processes for:
    • initiating and completing requests to acquire, manage and cover costs for people and resources from another council, and
    • the identification and management of associated operational and administrative requirements.

Emergency Management Guide for Mayors and Councillors

Your role in Emergency Management Guide for Mayors and Councillors (PDF - 295KB) provides handy hints for elected officials on what they can and can't do during an emergency.

Sourcing Supplementary Response Resources through Municipal Councils

The Sourcing Supplementary Emergency Response Resources through Municipal Councils - Practice Note (PDF - 370KB) clarifies the policy and procedures governing the sourcing of supplementary emergency response resources by response agencies from other councils.

The practice note brings together existing direction and information from the Emergency Management Act 2013, JSOP 03.09, Victorian Preparedness Framework and State Emergency Management Plan. Municipal resources are defined and the role and responsibilities of the council clarified.

The updated practice note was endorsed in April 2023 by the State Emergency Management Planning Committee, a specialist committee of the State Crisis and Resilience Committee, chaired by the Emergency Management Commissioner.

Standard municipal emergency contact protocol

Councils should consider adopting the Standard municipal emergency contact protocol (Word - 59.1KB) to help simplify the contact process for all stakeholders and alleviate some of the logistical burden of maintaining up-to-date emergency contact lists.


Secondary Impact Assessment Project

Local government is responsible for the coordination of relief and recovery after an emergency at the municipal level, including Secondary Impact Assessment (SIA). However, currently there are various SIA guidelines and procedures that exist across the Victorian local government sector.

The need to formally consolidate and develop a state wide approach for Victorian local government to coordinate Secondary Impact Assessment has been recognised and recently endorsed by the State MEMEG.

The purpose of the Secondary Impact Project is to develop an overarching framework that outlines the coordination and delivery of Secondary Impact Assessment across the Victorian local government sector.

MEMEG/EMV 2019 Secondary Impact Assessment Guidelines for Councils

2018 State MEMEG Forum

The 2018 MEMEG Forum was held in Melbourne on 23 August.