Community Connectors

Please note that not all councils have these roles as listed above, so please apply to your circumstances.

A Service Navigator, CALD Outreach Worker or Community Connector who are employed within council:

  • will address barriers for families in accessing locally based and government funded services, by strengthening capacity to self-manage and to increase independence.
  • will provide free and confidential advice and support. These roles may support families and children access appropriate services to be active and connected within their community.
  • will work collaboratively and build partnerships within council departments and external service providers to improve communities’ experiences in locating and accessing services.

What is my role?

These Community Connector roles are not Information Sharing Entities (ISE) under the Child Information Sharing Scheme but work as part of a wider team in council, alongside other early childhood professionals, who are authorised to share child information.

As part of an Early Childhood Team, these roles may identify and hold vital information as to the wellbeing and safety of a child.

What if I have vital information about the wellbeing or safety of a child but I am not an Information Sharing Entity?

If you find yourself becoming aware of vital information around the wellbeing or safety of a child, it is vital that you discuss this privately with your supervisor.

Your supervisor will discuss with you the information you have and decide around what the next most appropriate steps may be. This may be talking to others in the team, proactively sharing this information with others if your supervisor is an ISE.

Any information around the wellbeing or safety of a child may be the missing part of a puzzle that unlocks appropriate referrals or interventions for a child.

Case Study

Difficult Conversations
