New born baby

Maternal and Child Health Conferences

In collaboration with the DHHS, MAV host Maternal and Child Health Conferences twice a year.

The conferences provide an opportunity for the workforce to come together and learn about a range of subjects and areas that impact on the Maternal and Child Health Service.

Importantly, they provide an opportunity to network across the profession, the tiers of government and academia.

The conferences are open to all MCH nurses, MCH students and allied health professionals working in the maternal and child health sector.

On this page

This page features presentations and videos from the following events:

MCH Conference (March 2024)

A collection of presentation from the side-wide MCH conference held on Friday 22 March 2024.

MCH Conference - 22 March 2024 - Session 1

MCH Conference - 22 March 2024 - Session 2

MCH Conference - 22 March 2024 - Session 3

Celebration Video


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MCH Conference (September 2023)

A collection of presentation from the side-wide MCH conference held on Friday 8 September 2023.

MCH Conference - 8 September 2023 - Video 1

MCH Conference - 8 September 2023 - Video 2

MCH Conference -8 September 2023 - Video 3


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MCH Conference (March 2023)

A collection of presentations from the state-wide MCH conference held on Friday 3 March 2023.

MCH Conference - 3 March 2023 - Video 1

MCH Conference - 3 March 2023 - Video 2

MCH Conference - 3 March 2023 - Video 3


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MCH Conference (November 2022)

A collection of presentations from the state-wide MCH conference held on Friday 11 November 2022.

MCH Conference - 11 November 2022 - Video 1

MCH Conference - 11 November 2022 - Video 2


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MCH Conference (May 2022)

A collection of presentations from the state-wide MCH conference held on Friday 25 May 2022.

MCH Conference - 27 May 2022 - Video 1

MCH Conference - 27 May 2022 - Video 2

MCH Conference - 27 May 2022 - Video 3


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MCH Conference (October 2021)

A collection of presentations and videos from the state-wide MCH conference held on Friday 22 October 2021.

Conference recordings

The sessions at MCH Conference were recorded and are available below, they can also be viewed at Vimeo.

MCH Conference - 22 October 2021 - Part 1

MCH Conference - 22 October 2021 - Part 2

MCH Conference - 22 October 2021 - Part 3

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EMCH Professional Development Workshop (June 2021)

A recording of the EMCH Professional Development workshop in June 2021.

EMCH Professional Development Workshop (April 2021)

A recording of the EMCH Professional Development workshop held 22 April 2021.

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MCH Conference (February 2021)

A collection of presentations and videos from the state-wide MCH conference held on Friday 26 February 2021.

Conference recordings

The sessions at MCH Conference were recorded and are available below.

MCH Conference - February 2021 - Part 1

MCH Conference - February 2021 - Part 2

MCH Conference - February 2021 - Part 3

Supplementary Readings