Family Violence Prevention

Councils have an important role to play in preventing family violence and all forms of violence against women in their workplaces and the communities they lead and serve.

The MAV is funded by the Victorian Government to support capacity-building and enhance local government’s capability to undertake work in primary prevention of family violence and all forms of violence against women. We support councils to deliver, partner and lead primary prevention work through a diverse range of strategies and actions across their communities, workplaces and organisations. Councils have the infrastructure to reach people where they live, learn, work and play providing the opportunity to embed prevention activity across the community.

Our approach is guided by national evidence-based frameworks which identify the drivers of family violence, and gender inequality as the key context in which violence occurs. We are committed to taking an intersectional approach to our work and recognise that other forms of discrimination such as racism, ableism, ageism and homophobia can compound the effects and experience of violence. More information about guiding frameworks for prevention of family violence and all forms of violence against women is available on our Family Violence Prevention Policy Context and Family Violence Prevention Resources pages.

The MAV Preventing Violence Against Women (PVAW) team is primarily focussed on violence against women with different areas of the MAV contributing to other aspects of family violence such as Municipal Public Health Planning, Children, Youth and Family Services, Gender and Emergency Management and Ageing Well.

Ensuring support is available to people impacted by family violence

When undertaking family violence prevention work there is a good chance someone will disclose that they have experienced, witnessed or used violence.

The MAV does not provide direct support in relation to family violence, however, if you or someone you know is impacted by sexual assault, domestic or family violence, you can call 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732) or visit If someone is in immediate danger call 000.

If someone is concerned about their own behaviour they can contact the Men’s Referral Service on 1300 766 491 or visit You can also find out about the supports available through your council and services in your local area.

Current priorities

More information about the MAV’s work to promote gender equality can be found on our Gender Equality Webpage.

Learning, Events and Campaigns

We work with the MAV Learning and Events team to coordinate Councillor-only professional development, training and events opportunities that support prevention of family violence activities across the local government sector.

Two sessions, “Sexual Harassment Prevention” and “Discrimination, Bullying and Harassment” are being offered on an ongoing basis, details about future sessions will be published in our newsletter and at Councillor Development Program.

16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence:

The MAV works with partners to support councils raise awareness of family violence across the Victorian community. The MAV is a longstanding supporter of Respect Victoria’s Respect Women: Call It Out 16 Days campaign initiative. More information and resources are available at 16 Days Campaign.

MAV contact

For more information about our prevention of family violence and all forms of violence against women work please email the PVAW Team.