Guides and toolkits

Streets are for everyone – A consensus statement to support more walking and bike riding for Victorians (PDF - 561KB)

Top tips for Councillors

  • Prioritise– Allocate resources, including people and money, and communicate why you are investing in walking and riding
  • Policy – Include in policy outcomes and actions across all areas
  • Projects – Support projects and programs that include improvements to walking and riding
  • Pilots – Try new approaches and learn and adapt
  • Promote – Share the benefits of walking and riding and encourage others, including the state government, to do more via advocacy
  • Partner – Find and create allies, even if not in full agreement
  • Persist! – Endurance and perseverance are almost always essential to create change.

Top Tips for Project Delivery

  • Engagement - Early and ongoing engagement to understand what people want and what are their concerns
  • Integration– integrate walking and riding initiatives with wider streetscape upgrades
  • Communicate clearly what is being delivered, including images
  • Purpose- Clear advice on why this proposal is important and what it is specifically trying to achieve
  • Safer speeds are often a great option to improve safety and amenity
  • All voices, not just opponents, are engaged and help people see the project through other people’s eyes
  • Whole organisation – integrated internal governance
  • Pilots and trials to get change going and learn and adapt
  • Flexibility- keep measuring, listening and adjusting to address issues.

Top Tips for working with schools

  • Connect with schools, parents and carers
  • Have a written plan
  • Encourage student engagement and leadership
  • Make it fun with rewards, celebrations and share success
  • Identify and share walking and riding routes
  • Identify barriers and remove them - even small steps creates progress
  • Build momentum, then networks and partnerships.

Top Tips for communicating

Australian Transport and Infrastructure Council


Cycling and Walking Australia and New Zealand

Department of Transport and Planning (Victoria)

Heart Foundation

National Road Safety Partnership Program

Transport for NSW



Victoria Walks

Wayfound Victoria

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